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women will save italy and re-humanise ourself

women will save italy. how could have been possibly different, after have witnessed under-age girls, migrants and women in general be exploited by the worse politics of the last 30 years, and more. ...

What the f*

What the f*, self-censorship for a world that seem to have lost any ability to contain itself to any minimal ethic. Yes I am more than disappointed but I am still not angry. I decided to think ...

The court of women for the Balkans

On a cold autumn morning, on the top floor of the Hotel Saraj, in Sarajevo a group of women discuss and envision possible scenarios of the court of women in the Balkans. It is a reflection, but also the political praxis and poetic vision of ...

La vittoria di internet in Bosnia Erzegovina

I risultati delle elezioni 2010 in Bosnia Erzegovina La vera vittoria in queste elezioni l'hanno ottenuta internet e le organizzazioni non governative che, grazie alle proprie campagne informative, sono riuscite a contenere l'astensionismo. Internet è stato ...