THEY arrested jovan divjak. yes THEY, with bold capital and insensitive letters. him small letters not because less relevant but because jovan divjak belong to the people. to their harts.
so once more we have to witness this constant divide between them, the ones who ...
women will save italy. how could have been possibly different, after have witnessed under-age girls, migrants and women in general be exploited by the worse politics of the last 30 years, and more. ...
What the f*, self-censorship for a world that seem to have lost any ability to contain itself to any minimal ethic. Yes I am more than disappointed but I am still not angry. I decided to think ...
I risultati delle elezioni 2010 in Bosnia Erzegovina La vera vittoria in queste elezioni l'hanno ottenuta internet e le organizzazioni non governative che, grazie alle proprie campagne informative, sono riuscite a contenere l'astensionismo. Internet è stato ...
Così come a Zagabria, il sindaco Milan Bandic, anche in Montenegro sono i funzionari pubblici, in particolare i sindaci di tre città a dettare le regole del gioco. A Podgorica il sindaco Milan Mugoša, a Bar, Pavicevic ...