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Archive for the ‘margina/margine’ Category

@the hilton, economic cooperation and development

But yes, I am at the Hilton, a big king bed size is waiting for me, the receptionist smile, he asks for my credit card as a guarantee I hand on my visa, he check and come back ...

the dreams of some are the nightmares of the rest of us

We dreamt of a country Built on democracy Granting freedom to one and all We’ve all heard the words Felt the surge of excitement From the celebratory fireworks And still we dream. Maybe we got too good at dreaming So we didn’t realize that the dreams of some Would become the nightmares Of the rest of us ...

naši životi bez ratka

kada su danas uhapsili ratka mladića, ili bih trebala reći kada je danas provjera dnk, potvrdila da je ratko ratko, ja sam pila kafu sa prijateljicom. sastale smo se u jedan popodne i dok je tadić saopštavao svijetu vijest očekivanu i isčekivanu godinama, mi smo šetale duž ...

le nostre vite senza ratko

ci siamo incontrate all'una e mentre tadic comunicava al mondo una notizia attesa e pretesa per anni, noi camminavamo lungo la soleggiata ed affollata ex vase miskina oggi ferhadija e ci concedevamo un caffe ed una chiacchierata fra lavoro e vite personali. ...